| Wild Animals
Animals in their natural state that have not been domesticated are considered ‘wild’. This includes non-domestic animals in captivity, whether kept as pets or for other reasons including entertainment, and those living free in the environment. This means elephants and lions kept in zoos or circuses and badgers, foxes and birds are all considered wild animals.
Key Issues
There are a number of issues of concern ranging from use of wild animals in circuses to hunting which fall under this remit. APGAW has had the Born Free Foundation, ADI and Captive Animals Protection Society speak at meetings against the use of wild animals in circuses which led to a subsequent ban after a long campaign.
Additionally, there are some concerns with reptiles, amphibians, exotic birds and mammals being kept as pets. Unfortunately, many exotic animals are bought or acquired by people who do not have specialist knowledge about the environment, diet, lighting and humidity that these animals need. APGAW is working with members like the Companion Animal Sector Council and RSPCA to seek to find ways of improving welfare through education and better awareness.
APGAW is opposed to the use of snares and will continue to push for a ban on their use. We work to protect our wildlife seeking opportunities through wider policy work to drive biodiversity and conservation measures
APGAW is opposed to the illegal ivory trade and its political members often speak out against this and other hunting of endangered wild animals
| News from APGAW
UPDATED Good Practice Code for Rabbit Welfare
APGAW is pleased to announce the launch of the updated Good Practice Code for Rabbit Welfare having been trialling the first draft of the Code for the last couple of years. We are thrilled with the results but have now updated the Code to reflect the developing...
APGAW leads on dog breeding
APGAW picked up the work it did in 2009 with the publication of A Healthier Future for Pedigree Dogs report through a Parliamentary roundtable in December. Following this APGAW facilitated a high level conference this July in Westminster chaired by Lord Trees to set...
APGAW held a roundtable session chaired by Giles Watling MP and attended by police, NWCU, RSPCA, NatureWatch and a number of other experts to discuss wildlife crime and what needs to be done to tackle it. The following points were discussed: Wildlife & Rural Crime...
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