Influencing Change
Through Politics

To use the influence of experts and politicians to raise
the welfare of animals nationally and internationally.

Influencing Change
Through Politics

To use the influence of experts and politicians to raise the welfare of animals nationally and internationally.

| Laboratory Animals

Using animals in experiments is a controversial issue and it remains the case that there is disagreement over whether experiments on animals are necessary or whether they are alternatives. In the UK, the use of animals in experiments is regulated by the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, which is administered by the Home Office. Under this law, all breeding and use of animals has to be carried out in licenced premises, the research itself has to be set out in detail in a project licence which is submitted to the Home Office for authorisation, and the people carrying out the research also have to be licenced.

Key Issues

The Government focuses on the 3Rs -reduction, refinement and replacement. It should be ensured that, as far as is reasonably practicable, that no alternative to the use of animals is possible, that the number of animals used is minimised and that procedures, care routines and husbandry are refined to maximise welfare. Post Brexit there has been a call for the Government to be more a leader in the field and to set a vision to phase out the use of animals in science as has been the case in the EU.

APGAW has a sub-group on Animals in Science to consider the challenge to phase out animal experimentation and to look at setting a roadmap to at least taking us towards this goal through the elimination of severe suffering and second species toxicity testing and ensuring transparency over the use of animals in scientific procedures.  

| News from APGAW

UPDATED Good Practice Code for Rabbit Welfare

UPDATED Good Practice Code for Rabbit Welfare

APGAW is pleased to announce the launch of the updated Good Practice Code for Rabbit Welfare having been trialling the first draft of the Code for the last couple of years. We are thrilled with the results but have now updated the Code to reflect the developing...

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APGAW leads on dog breeding

APGAW leads on dog breeding

APGAW picked up the work it did in 2009 with the publication of A Healthier Future for Pedigree Dogs report through a Parliamentary roundtable in December. Following this APGAW facilitated a high level conference this July in Westminster chaired by Lord Trees to set...

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APGAW held a roundtable session chaired by Giles Watling MP and attended by police, NWCU, RSPCA, NatureWatch and a number of other experts to discuss wildlife crime and what needs to be done to tackle it. The following points were discussed: Wildlife & Rural Crime...

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