Influencing Change
Through Politics

To use the influence of experts and politicians to raise
the welfare of animals nationally and internationally.

Influencing Change
Through Politics

To use the influence of experts and politicians to raise the welfare of animals nationally and internationally.

| Parliamentary Strategy

APGAW takes a One Welfare approach and places it in the context of the Group’s work. It aims to pick up on a range of issues of interest to both politicians and associate members. 

Reduction in animal and human abuse


  1. i) To help to improve multidisciplinary approaches for dealing with poor animal welfare and its wider impacts (including for example, restorative justice and offender registers). Domestic Violence & Abuse Bill in Queen’s Speech.
  2. ii) To consider ways of improving enforcement of animal welfare working with the police, charities and local authorities.

Improved animal welfare and social aspects/More efficient multidisciplinary approaches


  1. i) To encourage more responsible pet ownership – (including through implementation of England-wide dog strategy which covers breeding, dealing and selling, consistent education, veterinary support, public education around choosing and keeping of pets including exotics etc).

Improved animal welfare – addressing poverty and local community support/Mutual rescue, improved life chances


  1. i) To develop and promote the benefit of pets on wider issues (for example, adult social services, learning disabilities, health and fitness, general well-being)

Improved animal welfare and food safety/Improved animal and farmer welfare, improved farming productivity/Improved animal welfare and improved food security and sustainability.


  1. i) To consider issues around humane slaughter, endemic diseases, live transportation, improved consumer information/empowerment through labelling etc

Improved biodiversity conservation, environmental aspects and human wellbeing.


  1. i) To promote the benefits of working to support British farmers to support conservation and wildlife.
  2. ii) To support work to protect endangered species and the trade in illegal wildlife goods


We are currently working on the following issues:

1. Reducing livestock worrying and encouraging responsible dog ownership.

2. The provision of small local abattoirs to reduce transport time and support pasture fed livestock

3. The low welfare breeding of puppies with hereditary disease and poor conformation

4. The need for improved enforcement of animal welfare legislation 



| News from APGAW

UPDATED Good Practice Code for Rabbit Welfare

UPDATED Good Practice Code for Rabbit Welfare

APGAW is pleased to announce the launch of the updated Good Practice Code for Rabbit Welfare having been trialling the first draft of the Code for the last couple of years. We are thrilled with the results but have now updated the Code to reflect the developing...

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APGAW leads on dog breeding

APGAW leads on dog breeding

APGAW picked up the work it did in 2009 with the publication of A Healthier Future for Pedigree Dogs report through a Parliamentary roundtable in December. Following this APGAW facilitated a high level conference this July in Westminster chaired by Lord Trees to set...

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APGAW held a roundtable session chaired by Giles Watling MP and attended by police, NWCU, RSPCA, NatureWatch and a number of other experts to discuss wildlife crime and what needs to be done to tackle it. The following points were discussed: Wildlife & Rural Crime...

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